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"Joy to the world! The Lord has come

Let earth receive her King!

Let every heart prepare Him room

And heaven and nature sing

And heaven and nature sing

And heaven, and heaven and nature sing"

Christmas is a season of love and Peace. The celebration brings togetherness among all. This celebration inspires everyone to share the joy with each other through good wishes and gifts.

Christmas, the birth of our Lord, was celebrated with Glory and Joy here in Our Lady of Dolours Church Bela.

As a prelude to the festal Mass the celebration began with the melodious Christmas Carols lead by the church choir. The Holy Eucharist Celebration which began then at 7.30p.m. was presided over by Fr Anil Avild Lobo, the Principal of St Mary's College, accompanied by the concelebrants, Rev Fr Stany Pereira, the parish priest and Deacon Rev Deepak Wilson Dsouza.

The melodious choir helped devotees to raise their minds and heart towards God.

After the Holy Eucharist the members of the I C Y M organized 'A Christmas night' programme. Altar Servers' Sodality, Marian Sodality and YCS students filled our hearts with joy through their dances. Altar Boys performed a thematic Christmas Skit, “Christmas Puraana”, which doubled the joy of Christmas.

Prizes were awarded to the winners of the variety of competitions conducted for children prior to Christmas day.

To make the celebration more meaningful a beautiful Crib was prepared by the youths of our parish, the ICYM member's.

The Parish Priest appreciated the ICYM members for all the activities conducted and

work done for Christmas. Earlier,

the donors who helped the church for the celebration were honored in the Church.

Parish priest wished all gathered a Happy Christmas.

Christmas Crib Computation at Parish Level organized by YCS Bela.

A beautiful and Adoring crib made by the Youths- ICYM members Bela.

Christmas Greeting Card making, Drawing, Singing and Star Making computation organized by ICYM Bela.

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