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Altar Servers' training program was held on 30th of October 2021 Saturday at 9.00 a.m. There were around 55 members present for this training program. Beginning with prayer, Regent, Bro. Denzil Rodrigues, took the first session explaining the meaning and purpose of altar service, the rubrics, the materials used at the altar service, and the 'do's and don'ts' of altar service. Brother presented the session with the PPT to make it more interesting.

Fr Stany Pereira, the Parish Priest, did a practical session on how to serve at the altar. All members actively took part in this programme.

Sr Christella, who is also a guide to the altar servers, being present in this session encouraged altar servers. Vinitha and Jivita helped the session rendering voluntarily service . The altar servers found the sessions very useful.

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