The silver jubilee of Catholic Sabha, Bela unit was held on Sunday, 27th November, 2022. The celebration commenced with the Eucharistic mass at 7.30 am. Rev. Fr. John Vas was the main celebrant and Rev. Fr. Stany Pereira, Parish Priest, and Rev. Fr. Anil Avild Lobo, concelebrated the mass. The members of Catholic Sabha conducted the liturgy in a meaningful way.
The Silver Jubilee celebration of Catholic Sabha, Bela unit took place at the church ground at 6 pm. On this occasion, Rev. Fr. Stany Pereira, Parish Priest of Bela Parish, Rev. Fr. Anil Avild Lobo, Principal of St. Mary's College, Mr. Stany Lobo, President of Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh, Mr. Wilfred Manohar Crasta, President of Catholic Sabha Kasaragod deanery, Mr. John Crasta, Vice-President of Parish Pastoral Council, Mrs Jyothy Dsouza, Secretary of Parish Pastoral Council, Sr. Marceline Brags SCCG, Sr. Annie Charanghat O.P., Mr. Jossy Crasta, President of Catholic Sabha Bela unit and Mr. Basil Monteiro, Secretary of Catholic Sabha Bela unit were present for celebration. The formal program began with prayer dance which was led by children of Marian Sodality. Mr.Jossy Crasta weclomed the dignitaries. Subsequently, the guests were honoured with the flower pots. The cultural programme was held after the formal programme with a variety of cultural presentations by the members of Altar servers, Marian sodality, ICYM, YCS and 16 wards from Bela Parish which included a fashion show, group dances, group singing, comedy skit and religious drama. The programme was conducted succesfully whiche earned much appreciation. A simple dinner was served to the guests at the end of the programme.
