Seethangoli Town ward members celebrated their ward patron, Christ the King's feast on Sunday, 13th November 2022. The Thanksgiving Mass was celebrated at 7:30 am by Rev. Fr. Anil Avild Lobo. The Ward members conducted the liturgy in a meaningful way.
The ward day celebration took place at the residence of Mr. Xavier Crasta at 12.00 pm. On this occasion, Rev. Fr. Anil Avild Lobo, Sr. Shaila SCCG, animator of Seethangoli Town ward, Mr. John Crasta, Vice-President of Parish Pastoral Council, Ms. Jyothi, secretary of Parish Pastoral Council and Bro. Vinol, Regent, were present for celebration.
It was a good opportunity for ward members to come together. Gurkar, Mr. Xavier Crasta, together with PPC representative, Ms. Vani and the families of the ward took leadership to bring the ward members together. Prior to the celebration, SCC meeting was held and later a few attractive games were conducted for ward members. Thereafter, Ms. Rashmi was elected as the PPC representative prior to the celebration.
The program began with a prayer led by the ward members. Subsequently, the Children of the ward entertained the gathering with their stunning dance performance. Later, The top scorers from the ward were felicitated during the celebration. It was followed by honouring the elderly people of the ward with mementos and Shawl for their service towards the ward, as a sign of respect. Later, Rev. Fr Anil Avild Lobo felicitated Mr. Joseph Crasta, former Gurkar, who led Seethangoli town ward for 7 years for his invaluable and selfless service. Subsequently, prizes were distributed to the winners of several activities conducted in the ward. Rev. Fr. Anil Avild Lobo addressed the gathering appreciating the ward members for coming together and he also wished well for the unity and goodness in the the ward. At the end, Mr. William proposed the vote of thanks. Mr. Thomas compered the program. The ward feast day concluded with a sumptuous lunch.
