Kudrepady ward members celebrated their ward patron, St Antony’s feast on Sunday, 24th July 2022.The Thanksgiving Mass was celebrated at 7:30 am by Rev. Fr. Anil Avild Lobo. The Ward members conducted the liturgy in a meaningful way.
The ward day celebration took place at the residence of Mr.Johnson Crasta. SCC meeting with 7 steps was held prior to the celebration at 3.00 pm. On this occasion, Rev. Fr. Stany Pereira, parish priest of Bela Parish, and Sr. Marceline Brags SCCG, animator of Kudrepady ward, were present for celebration.
It was a good opportunity for ward members to come together. Gurkar, Mr. Dilip DSouza, together with PPC representatives, Mr. Baptist Crasta and Mr. Daisy Florine D'Souza and the Secretary of the ward, Ms. Vanitha Monteiro the families of the ward took leadership to bring the ward members together.
Ms Deekshita Machado, who passed with distinction in M. Com. and Ashwan Monteiro the who excelled in +2 were felicitated by the ward. Parish priest appreciated the gurkar and the ward members for the service they do for ward and parish, especially in preparing the place for the annual way of the cross at Kudrepady, the place of origin of Bela Church.
Later, a few games were conducted for the participants.
