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Inauguration of Sunday Catechism at Bela Church.


Sunday Catechism for children was inaugurated in Bela Church on 12th June 2022, at 10:30am mass. The inaugural ceremony began with the entrance procession. The procession was headed by altar servers holding the cross and the thurible, the parish priest holding the holy Bible, the vice president, catechism teachers, nuns, parents and children. Thereafter, Rev. Fr Stany Pereira, Parish priest honoured the holy Bible by placing it on an honourable place with a flower garland. It was followed by lighting of the oil lamp by a few representatives of teachers, students and parents along with Parish Priest and Vice President. Later, a few children came forward and expressed meaningful slogans related to the Holy Bible. Subsequently, all the catechism teachers came forward and took pledge to teach Catechism to the Parish children.

Rev. Fr Stany Pereira, the Parish priest, presided over the mass. Prior to the mass, the children enrolled their names in their respective classes for the Sunday Catechism.

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