Confratenity Sunday is a feast of ‘togetherness of parishioners’ which celebrates the sense of belongingness of parishioners to the one flock of Christ. It’s one of the many parts of the tradition connected to the annual feasts of our churches especially in Mangalore Diocese. The procession of Blessed Eucharist after mass is a unique feature of the Confraternity Sunday celebration in which the entire parish participates as one family.
The Confraternity Sunday was observed with full of devotion and adoration of Holy Eucharist by the parishioners of Our Lady of Dolours Church, Bela on 12th February 2023 at 9.00am in preparation for the upcoming feast of Our Lady of Dolours to be held on 15th February 2023. The Holy Mass was concelebrated by Rev. Fr Victor D’Souza, assistant director of Friendship house as the main celebrant along with Rev. Fr. Stany Pereira, Parish Priest and Rev. Anil Avild Lobo.
The Holy Eucharistic celebration was followed by procession of the Holy Eucharist accompanied by the devotional song of praises to the Lord . Children adorned with white dress offered floral tribute to the Holy Eucharist. Rev. Fr. Victor D’Souza conducted the veneration of the Holy Eucharist followed by blessing. The participants were served refreshments.