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Confratenity Sunday is a feast of ‘togetherness of parishioners’ which celebrates the sense of belongingness of parishioners to the one flock of Christ. It’s one of the many parts of the tradition connected to the annual feasts of our churches especially in Mangalore Diocese. The procession of Blessed Eucharist after mass is a unique feature of the Confraternity Sunday celebration in which the entire parish participates as one family.

The Confraternity Sunday, at Our Lady of Dolours Church, Bela, was celebrated at on 20th March 2022. The festal mass was celebrated at 9.00am presided over by Fr. Anil Ivan Fernandes, the rector of Gladsome Home for students and the director of Canara Communication Centre, Mangalore Diocese, was the main celebrant. Fr. Stany Pereira (Parish Priest) and Fr. Anil Avild Lobo, Fr. Santhosh and Fr. Wilson Deepak Dsouza concelebrated at the mass. The mass was followed by the the Procession in which the Holy Eucharist was taken with much devotion. A great number of faithful of Bela parish took part in this procession devoutly singing hymns of adoration. This Confraternity Sunday celebration revived the and strengthened the feeling of brotherhood among the Parishioners.

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