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"Christmas Night" at Bela Church.

The Christmas celebrations commenced with carol singing at 7.30 pm on the eve of Christmas on 24.12.2022. The melody of the carols took everyone to an altogether new world of religious fantasy and gave a heavenly feeling. It was led by the church choir. The Eucharistic celebration began at 8.00 pm. It was presided over by by Rev. Fr Arun Lobo, Director of Shanthi Kiran counseling centre and accompanied by the concelebrants, Rev Fr Stany Pereira, the parish priest, Fr Anil Avild Lobo, the Principal of St Mary's College and Deacon Rev Naveen Crasta. Rev. Fr Stany Pereira, Parish Priest, while extending the greetings of Christmas to the faithful thanked everyone who selflessly toiled to make the celebration successful. Subsequently, the donors who helped the church for the celebration were honored in the Church.

Soon after the Eucharistic celebration, the newly constructed stage on the ground was inaugurated by Parish Priest. The members of the I C Y M organized 'A Christmas Milan' a programme cultural events . As the parishioners exchanged greetings of Christmas, the members of ICYM presented a Christmas dance. Housie-housie game and Lucky draw were organised to raise funds for the activities of ICYM. Altar Servers' Sodality and YCS students filled our hearts with joy through their dances. Altar Boys performed a thematic Christmas Skit, “Natalache Koren". subsequently, the members of Madwa ward performed "Mogache Diana" drama,which doubled the joy of Christmas. As a part of Christmas celebration, a Christmas lucky tree with gifts was erected by YCS for parishioners. The bumper prize for the same given to the winners.

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