Elders' Day was celebrated at Our Lady of Dolours, Bela on Sunday, 6th November 2022 with unity and fervour under the leadership Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP), Bela Unit. The spiritual celebrations began with confessions in the church at 10.00 am. It was followed by the Eucharistic celebration at 10.30 am. Rev. Fr. Stany Pereira, Parish Priest, was the main celebrant and Rev. Fr. Francis D’Souza, Diocesan Spiritual Director of SVP, concelebrated the mass and preached the homily. Soon after the mass, get-together of the elders was held at Yathri hall, Bela. On this occasion, Rev. Fr. Stany Pereira, parish priest of Bela Parish, Rev. Fr. Francis D'Souza, Spiritual Director of SVP, Sr. Sukanya OP, Sr. Marceline Brags SCCG, Mr. John Crasta, Vice-President of Parish Pastoral Council, Mrs Jyothy Dsouza, Secretary of Parish Pastoral Council and Mr. Dolphy DSouza president of SVP deanery confraternity, Mr. Robert Crasta, treasurer of SVP deanery cofraternity, Mr. Marcel DSouza, president of Society of SVP , Bela, were present for celebration.
The program began with prayer song which was led by the candidates of Dominican convent. Mr.Marcel Crasta weclomed the dignitaries. Subsequently, guest on the dais lit the lamp. Later, Rev. Fr. Francis D'souza felicitated retired government employees with Shawls and mementos. Children of the parish performed dance and entertained the gathering. It was followed by honouring the elderly people with mementos, as a sign of respect and love. Ms. Anitha proposed the vote of thanks. Mrs. Jacintha Crasta compered the programme. The Elders' day concluded with a sumptuous Lunch.
