Altar Servers and Marian Sodality Day was celebrated at Our Lady of Dolours Church, Bela on Sunday, 22nd January 2023. Around 70 altar servers and Marian Sodality children actively took part in the Eucharistic Celebration at 10.30 am.The holy mass was presided over by Rev. Fr Anil Avild Lobo, the Principal of St Mary's College. The altar servers and Marian Sodality's children participated in the Holy Eucharistic celebration and performed the liturgy with dedication and order.
The cultural programme was organized at Yathri Hall at 3 pm. Rev. Fr Stany Pereira, parish priest, along with Rev. Fr Anil Avild Lobo, the Principal of St Mary's College, Rev. Fr. Naveen Crasta, Mr. Cyril Crasta, Vice President of the PPC and Mrs. Cicilia D’Souza, secretary of the PPC , Sr. Annie OP, Sr. Marceline Brags SCCG, Br. Vinol and Sr. Christella, the animators of Altar servers and Marian Sodality were present.
Flavan Dsouza, Secretary of Altar servers compered the program. The program began with prayer dance which was led by Children of Marian Sodality. Princiya welcomed the dignitaries and the gathering. Nishal Ina read the report and powerpoint presentation of report was displayed on the projection screen. Subsequently, altar servers performed the hilarious comedy skit. Mr. Cyril Crasta, Vice President of the PPC, spoke on the occasion appreciating the service of Altarservers and Sodality to the Church. Later, the outstanding dance was preformed by children of Marian Sodality. Rev. Fr Stany Pereira, in his speech, congratulated the altar servers and children of Marian sodaliy and encouraged them with his words. He also spoke about how the activities of these two children's associations provide an immense opportunities to children for variety of public performances. He also thanked SDr Christella and Bro Vinol and othe animators for their guidance. Later, a few members of Altar servers and Marian sodality presented 'Dev tuka boro dis div' , a konkani song. It was followed by the drama , 'Khoro Dharm' enacted by the Altar Servers. The winners among the altar servers and Marian sodality who took part in various competitions were awarded the prizes. Later, Rev. Fr. Anil addressed the gathering and appreciated the children of altar servers and Marian sodality for their wonderful program. Eventually, Rishel, President of Mairan sodality, thanked everyone for their active participation and excellent coordination.
The programme was concluded by serving the refreshments. This day was a memorable day for all the altar servers.
